Week 5- Description of Documetary modes I am using to create my machinima documentary (150 words)
I will be using a combination of documentary film modes for my final machinima documentary. These modes include Observational and Expository. The purpose of these modes is to construct a version of the real world in crysis, that is influenced by Paul Virilio’s concept of ‘Pure War’ and my Pachube sensor. Through the medium of film, a depiction of a real time environment is documented with both these modes in mind.
The observation film mode will reflect scenes that are observant of what the character is doing as the film maker has no control or influence on the scene, events play out as if they are part of the environment. Editing doesn’t construct time frame or rhythm, but enhances impression of lived or real time. This mode of film making will be documented by distant shots of the play walking through the instillation and environment as it destructs and becomes more unstable.
The expository documentary mode however has its prevailing scene towards the end of my film. Expository modes are poetic perspectives sought to disclose information and address the viewer directly. I am doing this so that a challenging logic is conveyed. My opinion is represented as an emphasis is placed on “war can always be escaped when absolute freedom conquers” rather than “War that exists in a pure state of permanent preparation for and anticipation of actual warfare” (war is consistently around us in an uncontrollable state) .This scene will be represented as fact as text will be used to reflect a challenging opinion. Also the purity of the scene will juxtapose with the observational mode scenes symbolising the argument at hand.
In ways a rhetorical question is left with the viewer and a persuasive fact lingers in their thoughts. This fact is that light directs motion and whenever light can be seen at the end of the road, one begins their journey to freedom, where all destruction and war around them comes to an abrupt end.
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